Friday, June 3, 2011

Goood Day!!!

Today I took my test because I was not able to take it yesterday. I got a 95% and I am very happy. we also had a party and looked at sport clips on YouTube. It was a good class. Next week we will be reviewing for finals. So excited .... NOT!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Review for test!

Today we went over the last parts of the handout and also gave Mr. Schick ideas on what questions to ask on the final test of the year. We also watched a show that I never seen and Mr. Schick seemed to be very entertained by it because it was rather funny.  Tomorrow I will be ready for the test and ready to finish off the year.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Test tomorrow:( Oh wait Never Mind:)

Yesterday we were told that we were going to have a test, but we will have it Thursday so the other section's can have a class to review. We also did a paper with a partner. My partner was Colleen. We did good on it. We got on wrong and i fixed. We will have one more class to review.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Today we looked more at the handout and went over the information on it. W talked about questions we had and Mr. Schick did his best to answer them. We have to do the hand outs and we will have a test on Wed. I will be very ready for it!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Paper Review!

Today we looked at the papers we used to do the homework last night! If we had any questions we would ask them so we were not confused. Everyone moved to the front of the class and took Mr. Schick's advice. I was a good day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


 Diocletian- strong military leader, one of Rome's greatest emperor, increased Rome's strength, son of a slave.

Constantine- one of the greatest emperors of Rome, controlled the eastern and western, and ended the persecutions of Christians.

 eastern empire- much more wealthy, the location of Byzantium, known as the Byzantium empire, much more prosperous half.

western empire- Latin speaking, more rural.

 Constantinople-  the city of Constantine

Huns- nomadic people from Asia.

Attila- leader of the Huns.

Leo I-  first real pope of Rome

1. They had poor harvests, disruption of trade, no more plunder from wars, gold and silver drain inflation, and crushing tax burdens.

2. They fought to get paid money, not for country.

3. He made Christianity their main religion.

4. They were avoiding the Huns and they had a weak army which made them nervous.

5. He made the empire much more stronger, divided the empire, and he was ranked one of greatest emperors.Not all reforms were successful, failure of price controls, and wages for new troops added to the taxes which were already high.

Talked today!

Today we went over the Rome test and spent time talking about our grades and how we can do better! We will have homework once it is posted on the blogger.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today in class we proof read each others paper to make them better, so we can hand in the copy that is being graded tomorrow. My paper had to be fixed up a little bit because of the wording i choose. My paper is all ready to be handed in. I had my Dad read it so i felt confident handing it in. The paper is worth 100 points so I hope I do well on it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Essay Day!

Today we worked on our essays that Mr.Schick assigned for us in class. I got my introduction paragraph finished and it clearly states that I would not live in the Roman Empire times. I will continue to work on this essay over the weekend and have it finished by Monday so I do not have to worry about ti that night. We will see you in class Tuesday and ready for proof reading!