Tuesday, March 22, 2011

  • The Greeks are the people that are glorious and arrogant. The Greeks achieved many things by war. Perciles is a politician who was a genius, one of the individuals who were part of Greek intelligence. 508 b.c. in a town called Athens, were at war.
  •  Cliteans was brought up from birth to be a ruler. Cliteans was born around 570 b.c. From his earliest days he was taught he was an aristocrat. In the 6th century b.c. these aristocrats controlled everything that happened in Cliteans hometown, Athens. 
  • You would never know back than that Athens would soon rule an empire. For these Athenians reading and writing were called a rare skill. Science and medicine was not heard of. Life was extremely tough. The aristocrat held power against the rest of the population. The whole country was in the hands of a few people.
  •  They had no, part nor share in anything. The aristocrats dominated. Greece does not have the obvious physical unity that you would associate with the rest of the great civilized nations of the world. Egypt, Persia, etc. had all grown up around open planes and river. But Greece did not have that. It was just a mountain plane. It was impossible for such a single ruler to dominate their world.
  •  The Corinthians dominated Greece trade. In the south of Greece, laid a city state called Sparta. The Spartans were raisied in the fields separated from their families. They were all brought up to be a military man. They had few possessions besides their weapons and their clothes. 
  • Spartans were brought up to put up with anything. The Spartans were willing to die. They didn’t have good food or good atmospheres. They conquered all the surrounding regions. The rest of the Greeks considered Sparta a threat. 
  • One thing that inspired Clieteans and the fellow Greeks it was their story’s,  Ancient tales and myths. Their stories influenced and shaped people from their earliest days. The liliat and the odyssey composed by odystey. They are about war. 
  • Heroes were great achievers and the stories were about heroes. The heroes were determined to win in war and followed through with what they believed. Cliteans was brought up to follow the image of a hero. It was to pursue a life of greatness and glory. 
  • One, through strength and value, to cease power and victory for himself, and himself alone, to become a real life hero. One day a man of dignified and noble bearing rode in to the city of Athens. Besides him rode the faithful goddess of Athens, Ofina.
  •  Surprisingly he was welcomed by the Athenians as the new ruler. As he consolidated his rule, it was found he had other things to maintain besides power. Visitrous was an extroidinary man. He reduced taxes and introduced loans to people to build up their farms. He began to transform the city. With the rise of Visitrouses you see how Athens begins to develop in a good way. You see more vines and olives. Olives trees manifest themselves in new aspects. They allow people to use them for food, soap, etc. They produce excellent olives, the best in the Greek world. Which is a great exporting thing. To Egypt, Assyria, Persia and other neighboring countries. Greeks were scattered,  like ants or frogs around a pond. It was one of the greatest market places in the world. Gold, silver, and finery from Egypt, and everyone was willing to trade for Athenian olive oil. They were on the rise. The most astonishing consequence of Athens was found to be on the darkest streets of the city. The pottery wasn’t a big deal than. What was inside the pot was worth more than the actual pot. Potters work was the lowest of the low in the Athenian society, ‘the scum of the earth’. They had no special respect by the civilization. They transported oils and food and were always simple in design based on Egyptian and Anserine art. The Athenian potters developed a whole new form of painting. A style still astonishing today, millions of dollars for pots. They produced great art for eternity. International economic power is was Athens became. Visiisterous rule was not to last forever. In the year 527 b.c. he died. His son Hipios took over. At first he followed in his fathers footsteps. But soon they discovered the terriable nature. Int eh year 514 b.c. Hippios’s brother was murderd. A couple yers later his whole attitude changed. He had the murderes sent to death and their wives as well. After this the timothy came much, much harder in revenge of his brother. He became suspicious of everybody. Visitrous came into power for a cause his son had no cause other than self preservation. Life with him had become increasingly dangerous. For the paroonoid dictator knew that his greatest affect was the aristocrats and how they could affect his power. But the time now seemed to be right. Cliteseans decided to try to over throw Hippiothis to gain power for himself and his family. In the stories of the heroes and their needs to be seen and the ability to strike at the right time. Clitheans established a conspiracy to over throw Hippothious. The year was 510 b.c. Clitetheans was one of the powerful man on earth and used the heroic things he was taught and brought up with since birth. Allimpia in southern Greece, here every 4 years men from all over Greece would meet here and compete. The competitions were established in 77 b.c. A king could race against a fisher. The competitions have their roots and skills established by the Greece people. Running, boxing, wrestling, cheery picking, and other sports were done. The largest gathering of Greece was this competition, ore than 40,000 people would gather for the Olympic Games. Greeks would travel thousands of miles to attend the games. You had a brief attendance of glory. Here the Greeks found a civilized way to establish the heroic idea. Anyone could win; it was all based on pure skill. Cliceans gained power and found that others were conspiring against him. He learned one thing to gain power in any way. The most ambitious of those enspiring against Clitheans, was Isagerous. He was also brought up to have power, but he knew he couldn’t do that on his own. He turned outside Athens for support. He sent a message to the Spartans. Greece’s most feared warrior. The Spartans immediately provided some of their most powerful troops to take over Greece so he would gain power. He and his troops would rule from the high point of the city. Cliseneas would leave his city left under the rule of a dictator. A dictator with the Spartans on his side. He was brought up to be an aristocrat and a ruler. All this had led to was conflict. How could Athens ever escape from this pointless violence? But even as Cliceans agunated and exciled. Athens ws stuck by an event. Like their mythical hero, the people of Athens took their destiny into their own hands. They rose up in revolution. Isagerous and his Spartan allies invaded themselves at the top of the city. But even their, they couldn’t escape the violent of the Athenians. Finally on the morning of the third day he was forced to surrender. 508 b.c., this would be Athens first step to empire and glory. For the first time in recorded history the people turned on their ruler and ceased power for themselves. The ordinary people had risen up without organized leadership. The Athenian people turned to one man, Cliceneas. He was returned from excile and asked to build a government. He faced a really remarkable challgenge. Their was no possibility for him to create a new group of aristocrats he had to produce a government. He knew he had to establish that the Athenins would have a say in their future. The citizens of Athens gathered and discussed the future of their states. They culd stand and addres their fellow citizens. Where government was once established by weapons. Clitheneas established a better Athens. He instituted the rule of the people. A system of governemtn that we now know as democracy. Every 9 days a government would gather and talk about issues of Athens and try to make them better. Athenian was a different democracy from ours. But theirs also works. The people are the government. Democracy represents a shock break. Ordinary gains who weren’t rich or amazing could now also be viewed as heroes. It was a system of government that would transform this tiny state. It is not just an accident that you had this change. Democraxcy makes possible potential in himan societys that could not be created other wise. For a new generation Athenians would take up his legacy. These Athenians would face troubles that would stun their ancestors but they would defend their state.

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