Friday, March 4, 2011

·         Water for drinking, for irrigating, for bathing, for transportation
·         Every July it floods. Every October it leaves behind rich soil
·     Solar base day
·         A lunar base month
·         A solar base year
·         The delta is broad, marshy triangular area of fertile silt
·         The Nile, It flows from South to North
·         Pyramids are vet popular and take long periods of time to build

·         The Great Sphinx of Giza
·         At the bottom of the pyramid the greatest amount of people were slaves and servants
·         Than farmers - raised wheat, barley, lentils, onions - benefitted from irrigation of the Nile
·         Artisans
·         Merchants
·         Scribes
·         Soldiers- not so strong military
·         Government Officials - Nobles, Priests

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