Friday, April 8, 2011

Presentation day 3!

Emily Stasuk – 94%
Trail of Socrates –
1. Was Socrates highly respected in Athens or did he upset them?
2. What does non-democratic thinking mean?
3. What is more information on the trial?
She did great on her slides and knew what she was talking about

Rachel Weskalnies – 100%
 Greek Architecture -  
1. What as the Erechtheum?
2. What were the Order's?
3. Were the Greek's the first one's in the world to start agriculture?
Elena Fernandez – 92%
 Greek Poets -
1. What type of poetry did they do in Ancient Greece?
2. Why did they have different time periods?
3. How did Archilachus become famous?

Cole Alban –
The Age of Pericles- 100%
1. Why weer there two different names?
2. Why did the age of Pericles come about?
3. Was the Peloponisian War stop the age of Pericles?

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